"Half of everything is luck." Alec Trevelyan, Goldeneye. Firstly if you are serious about Arduino projects, a company called Jaycar Electronics has an article titled "Arduino Power Saving and Battery Night Light". You must have this article. Arduino Leonardo programmed to be gamepads for Windows computers. Refer to GAMELASTER on github for a better written version. This code will turn the leonardo into a gamepad with two joysticks and 32 buttons. Every second the 32 buttons represent 100,000 in binary and 1,000,000 in binary. The first button is the least significant bit. When I explained MAKER TECH to my uncle I used as an example, a pressure sensor that can be tapped or pressed hard like the punch pads on the old Street Fighter arcade machine. A temperature sensor could be rubbed with the thumb to generate heat to trigger an button press. A rotation sensor could simulate a reel on a fishing rod, or a steering wheel in a car. Endless possibilities! ...