C64 IN 3D
"You are what you do. " Kuato, Total Recall. This is a 3D Voxel simulation(using scalar fields) of the C64 bitmap system. It consists of a background 3D bitmap (landscape). A foreground 3D bitmap (trees, buildings, grasses, etc...). Finally it has eight 3D sprites (dynamic bitmaps). The sprites have a collision detection system with background to sprite collisions, foreground to sprite collisions, and sprite to sprite collisions. The engine is a rebalanced version of the Mode 9 engine. The main thread was doing too much work, so I gave more processes to the second thread. It now runs at my target fps while only using 70% thread capacity. Before I required 4ghz turbo to reach my target. Now it can be done with 2ghz at 70%. May be able to run on a Raspberry Pi. The Gamepad API is working on Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox. It has the following mappings INSPIRATIONS When I started this project my only inspiration was th...